Movement of Being
Fanny Behrens & Colin Harrison

People whose own work is influenced or inspired
by 'This Movement' or 'Movement of Being'
The people on this page are all connected with us in some way – as friends, colleagues or students. Some offer retreats and workshops; others offer one to one work. Some of them work within forms that you may recognise, others have created fresh ways of working that you may not have heard of. Some have specialities such as working with couples or with parents and children; others focus on specific areas such as bodywork or movement therapy.
These are people we know, love and respect. They draw inspiration from similar sources to ourselves, and what they offer may well be of interest to you. Nonetheless, this isn’t a school or a formal organisation; what is on offer may look and feel very different from what we do. And in most cases we haven’t personally had any experience of them as guides or teachers. So we can offer no guarantees, and we take no responsibility for the experience you may have if you choose to work with them.
But, if you are looking for support or guidance in exploring Embodied Consciousness, do take a look – you may well find something precious and valuable on offer here.
Below is a very brief description of what is on offer. Click on the person's name for more details,
or use the search bar above to look for specific skills, specialities or offerings.
This listing is in simple alphabetical order.
Gerard Couper : offering monthly Free Online sessions, available to anyone who is drawn.
David DeV : One to one, online, non-dual embodiment, relationship, developmental work
Henrietta Dobson : Individual sessions and groups in Totnes, online, in nature & further afield.
Janey Francis : Heart of Being offering individual sessions in person in Devon or via Zoom to explore embodied presence; post traumatic recovery and thriving; bringing inner parts home to the heart (IFS informed therapy).
Kirsty Hurd-Thomas : 1:1 Shiatsu, deep listening bodywork/ self enquiry; Qigong, enquiry and bodywork classes for women; Some funded places.
Philip Jones : Sustaining Trust and Love for Couples with Emotional Resonance
Agata Krajewska : Theatre of Awakening : improvisation, stories, women’s work, healing, vocation, facilitation training
Kate Maryon : Individuals / Couples /Kids & Teens / Families / Groups - Presence based, Psychological & Somatic Self-Inquiry / Developmental Trauma Work
Amanda Player : I offer supervision to support you in bringing your gift to the world
Judith Puckmayr : Oasis of Being : one to one and group work, compassionate presence, embodiment, somatic trauma healing & self-inquiry
Brad Richecoeur : Freedom of Being : Exploring both our eternal timeless nature and this ever-changing human experience
Julian Russell : Free online taster sessions most Wednesdays and deep year-long psychological and spiritual personal evolution trainings
Katheryn M. Trenshaw : A freedom doula; A pioneer in trauma-informed somatic and creativity-based art therapy
Joanna Watters : "This Beautiful Work” supporting radical enquiry into embodied awakening
Sally Willow : Welcoming This : heartful space to allow enquiry, relief and growth as embodied presence.