Movement of Being
Fanny Behrens & Colin Harrison

January 2022
I am sitting here at Droridge, watching the wild winds whipping the trees into dance, the rain drenching the land, and large black birds being hurled across the grey sky. We have had a month off working with people, spending time with family and friends, being on retreat with Adam, and enjoying having more time and space to walk, talk, move, rest and potter about doing odd jobs on the place. The unfolding of events in the world feels like an ongoing call to deepen a commitment to love, to explore whatever is blocking that so that it can be met, included and transformed, to find what sustains and resources us and to listen to what is being called out of us as we move forward. I feel ongoingly touched by the commitment and passion of all of those of you who work with us in a committed way to meet yourselves, each other and the world from a ground of loving presence. And what that takes in each of us! It is no small thing. And yet so needed if we want to be bringing something more real, fresh and hopeful to the world rather than more of the same old madness!