Ongoing Groups

for people who have already worked with us

We have been running ongoing groups since 2003, and they continue to be an important aspect of our work. Being with a committed group over time creates a loving setting in which profound realizations and openings can happen - a glimpse of what is possible for each of us and a context in which those realizations can be integrated into our day to day lives.

The Continuing Journey of Awakening - currently on hold

This is a residential group which runs year after year, always addressing the core of this work - ie, the ground of Awakening itself. People may join this group for anything between one and three years - so it will have a slowly changing membership as years go by and we imagine many variations - eg you could do a year, then leave to explore something else, then come back for a couple of years, etc. This is intended to offer the possibility of a longer-term ongoing group, without the necessity to commit a long way into the future. This group is intended primarily for those who already have a good grounding in this Movement of Being work (usually they would have already done several residential Workshops and Retreats), but occasionally, if we feel someone with less experience is ready for such a step, we will accept them onto this group.

Online Year Group - currently on hold

This is a one year-long ongoing group which we’re inspired to offer in response to interest from those who mainly want to work online with us at this time, but would also like to meet up in a residential setting occasionally.

The group will meet four times between September 22 and August 23 – each meeting taking place over 4 days. The first two retreats and the final one will be online (similar to the online retreats we have run during the lockdown); the third meeting will be in person at Droridge Barn in Devon.

The group will be for 8-10 people, all of whom will have worked with us already, either online or in person. More details about this group here.