The Continuing Journey of Awakening


Already Here

with  Fanny and Colin


Next Cycle of the Group Begins : (dates tbc)


There really is nowhere else to get to!

The recognition of this, and the living of this, enables Presence to live through us as love in each and every moment regardless of what experience we’re having, or what situation we find ourselves in.

It’s so easy to miss the point, so easy to keep thinking that something needs healing or dealing with on the inside, before we can be free. In this we keep perpetuating the myth that there is somewhere else to get to, and an endless striving to perfect ourselves!

And yet when we really land, really let ourselves be here, now, prior to thought and belief, there is a capacity to take responsibility for ourselves and our behaviour which changes everything. And this can happen in any moment. And every moment.

Already Here is a chance to really look this in the face and keep coming back to the mystery and the ordinary, alive magic which is what presence opens. RIGHT NOW.

It is for those who are already deeply engaged in this Awakening work. We’ll come back again and again to the fundamentals, to keep re-orientating in this Awakening Landscape... what is actually going on here? What is your disposition towards enquiry itself and the practice you’re engaged in? How willing and able are you to feel your direct experience in each and every moment? How possible is it for you to allow yourself not to know, in any moment? Because anything other than a deep interest in this will take you somewhere else - into all sorts of processes of learning and perhaps even healing, but it won't take you closer to where you are; into what is. Which is the only place that the revelation of truth, or reality, or Awakening can happen.

We envisage this as a group that runs year after year, always addressing the core of this work - ie the ground of Awakening itself. We imagine that people will join this group for anything between one and three years - so it will have a slowly changing membership as years go by. And we imagine many variations - eg you could do a year, then leave to explore something else, then come back for a couple of years; etc.

In this cycle of the group, Colin will run 3 modules, and Fanny will run one.

2024-25 Group

(This group will be for 8 to 10 people)


Fully Residential at Droridge Barn, near Totnes

DATES for residential meetings


NOTE - all group meetings begin with a meal at 7pm on the first day and end by 5pm on the final day

Included in the price will be 3 online meetings with Colin or Fanny (2 hours) to touch in, in between the groups, as follows:-

Wednesday evenings - (5.30 - 7.30pm)


Fixed payment:
£950 for 16 days fully residential + 3 online evening meetings. There is a surcharge of £10 per day if you want a guaranteed single room in the main house. We can't promise this will be possible.

There is one bursary place available for this groups - this covers 50% of the fixed fee.

Note - if any residentials need to be replaced with online meetings due to a recurrence of the pandemic, or other unforessen circumstances) we will issue refunds accordingly.

Suggested Donation:
The suggested donation for each residential meeting (retreat) is £225. If you can’t afford that much we suggest a minimum donation of £150 (you can also apply for a bursary place). And if you are able to give more we suggest a donation of up to £300.

Enquiries and Applications:- CONTACT US HERE