Exploring Being

One Year Ongoing Group

This group is a chance to keep exploring the mystery and the ordinary, alive magic which is what Presence opens. RIGHT NOW. RIGHT HERE.

It is for those who are already engaged in this Awakening work. We’ll come back again and again to the fundamentals, to keep re-orientating in this landscape of Embodied Consciousness. What is actually going on here? What is your disposition towards enquiry itself and the practice you’re engaged in? How willing and able are you to feel your direct experience in each and every moment? How possible is it for you to allow yourself not to know, in any moment? Because anything other than a deep interest in this will take you somewhere else - into all sorts of processes of learning and perhaps even healing, but it won't take you closer to where you are; into what is. Which is the only place that the revelation of truth, or reality, or Awakening can happen: the only place in which Love can actually arise.

This is a year-long ongoing group which will meet mainly online, but will also include one residential module.

The group will meet four times between Sep 22 and Aug 23 – each meeting over four days. The first two retreats and the final one will be online. The third meeting will be in person at Droridge Barn in Devon. There will also be three shorter evening meetings online, each one between two of the longer modules.

The group will be for 8-12 people, all of whom will have worked with us in some depth already, both online and in person.


Future dates tbc


Fixed Payment:           £420
Suggested Donation : £140  (or between £60 and £200) for each online retreat
                                   : £220  (or between £120 and £320) for the residential

Enquiries & Applications: CONTACT US HERE