Movement of Being
Fanny Behrens & Colin Harrison

All retreats are between 4 and 7 days in length - a chance to explore the theme we are offering in the company of others who share the same interest (either in a residential setting or online).
We offer our work at several different levels, both in person and online:-
- For those with several years experience of our work:- CLICK HERE
- For those who have experienced our work, and would like to take another step:- CLICK HERE
- For those who are new to our work and would like to explore it:- CLICK HERE
- We occasionally offer times when people can do Personal Retreats with us:- CLICK HERE
- And for those at all levels of experience who are interested to work online:- CLICK HERE
PLEASE NOTE:- We don't usually take anyone at retreat level unless we have already worked together. This allows for a ground of trust to be established. It's not to do with how much (or little) inner work you may already have done, or what kind of experience you have. It's simply a realistic allowance for the fact that this is deep work – you need to feel confident in our guidance, and we need to feel that we can realistically serve you!
Having said all that, the world moves in mysterious ways, and sometimes we make exceptions if it really feels right to do so. It’s rare, but we do on occasions, accept people on retreat who we haven’t worked with beforehand. In such cases, we’d need to arrange a 1-1 session (or two) beforehand.
For practical information about our retreats, including food / payment/ accommodation / etc:- Practicalities
If you aren't sure to which group you belong, or are moved to apply for something anyway,
please contact our administrator: Enquiries