This Is It -

The Joyful Path to Surrender


with Fanny

Next Retreat : 25 - 30 Sept 2024

What is the sound between the waves?
The silence between the notes?
The stillness between breaths?

 Who am I?

 What remains after every feeling, every thought, every experience comes and goes?
Can I utterly relax into being who I am, as I am, right now?
Can I know beyond question not just that I have a right to exist, but that I DO exist?
And this is completely enough?

If not, what’s happening? What gets in the way of me living without impediment, allowing life to live through me, as me?


This small jewel of a retreat opens a possibility, even a glimpse, of what is precious beyond words, concepts or understanding. It is a shorter, less intense version of Nowhere to Go, and is open to anyone who has already worked with us.


Fully Residential at Droridge Barn


5pm Wed 25 - 5pm Sun 29 September 2024


Fixed payment : £300-£350 (depending on room)
Suggested Donation : £300 (or something between a minimum £200 and a higher £400)


Enquiries & Bookings:-   Contact