Movement of Being Retreats

for people who have already worked with us

(ie open to those who have already done one or more workshops or retreats with us.
We previously referred to this group as 'The Exploring Being Community')


Residential Retreats

We offer residential retreats (and occasional non-residential ones) to those who are in a process of Exploring Being through the work we offer – a kind of natural community of people with a shared interest in what is profoundly true, and a growing commitment to Embodied Presence.

These retreats are for small groups of min 8 / max 10 people, are residential events up to four days in length in which we explore an aspect of life in considerable depth, from the perspective of Embodied Consciousness. Working over several days like this enables us to enquire deeply as we explore the particular theme of each retreat.



25 - 29 Sept : This Is It - The Joyful Path to Surrender : 5 days with Fanny at Droridge Barn

27 Nov - 2 Dec : Being Song - 5 days with Fanny at Droridge Barn - fully booked


If there is a direct booking link on the website, please follow that to book the retreat.
If not, or if you are unsure whether these events are open to you, please:-
 Contact Us Here

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