Movement of Being
Fanny Behrens & Colin Harrison

Bringing it Home
A Residential Retreat with Colin
We need to remember who we are -
already connected, already whole, already enough.
So that we can navigate those parts of ourselves which are wounded, afraid, powerless
and caught in patterns of flight/fight and freeze.
So that we can resist the tendency to go along with the craziness,
the barely conscious collusion with fear, hostility and blame,
and instead stand our ground in a commitment to what is true.
In this it is crucial that we come to recognise our projections -
the many ways that we avoid owning our own feelings
and becoming intimate with them .....
by literally pushing them out of our bodies,
and onto people / situations around us
- blaming / judging / criticising / etc.
This retreat is a call to come home.
To recognise our survival patterns and find our way
to what is more deeply sustaining,
and supportive
at this time (and always).
Fully residential in Dartington, Devon
Future dates tbc.
Fixed Payment: £220
Suggested Donation: £220 (or anything on a sliding scale between £100 and £320)
Enquiries & Bookings:- Contact