A Call To Come Home

When Other is Presumed, Fear Arises

A three day mid-week Residential Retreat with Fanny

So much is happening which impacts us all in some way or other,
personally, politically, socially, environmentally, economically; in our minds, bodies and hearts.
It can be easy to feel helpless, angry and/or despairing in the face of events in our lives and our world.

So how can we relate with it all?

It seems that we need to drop deeper than Right and Wrong or Us and Them;

Deeper than a problem/solution orientated approach
in which we lose connection with Being.

We need to remember who we are :
already connected, already whole, already enough.
Thus we can begin to navigate those parts of ourselves which are wounded, angry, afraid or powerless
and caught in patterns of flight/fight and freeze.

In this way we can resist the tendency to go along with (and contribute to) the craziness;   The barely conscious collusion with fear, hostility and blame -
And instead stand our ground in a commitment to what is true,
supported at all times by the ground of being itself, in the midst of whatever arises.

This retreat is a call to come home.

To taste what it is to give our gift in the world in simple ways.
To recognise our survival patterns and find our way
to what is more deeply sustaining,
and supportive .

At this time (and always).


Fully residential in Dartington, Devon


6pm Tuesday 21st  - 5pm Friday 24th November 2023


Fixed payment : £165 - £195 (depending on room)
Suggested Donation : £165 (or something between £90 and a higher £250)