Movement of Being
Fanny Behrens & Colin Harrison

The Demise Of The Judge
[Falling into self-compassion]
with Fanny
Next Workshop : none scheduled at the moment
“You idiot!
How can you still be stuck in this pattern!?
When are you going to grow up?
You will never be good enough / beautiful enough / brave enough / still enough / deep enough /
funny enough / loving enough….etc etc" ….on and on ad nauseam
Are you giving yourself hell? As long as you are making yourself wrong for being as you are, and feeling what you feel, it will be very hard to actually see what’s going on (...and really take responsibility); hard to land in your own skin, and impossible to truly come home to yourself.
Let’s see what is happening here, and find ways to drop through the tyranny of the super-ego and the quest for perfection, into a deeper state of humility, strength, self-acceptance and understanding. (Which automatically opens deeper acceptance and understanding of the other!)
What we are invoking here is a transfer of power from the inner critic to a true conscience; a relaxation into what is, as it is, in ourselves and others.
Suggested Donation tbc