An Introduction to Movement of Being

with Colin

Next workshop:  Not scheduled at the moment

… an embodied presence,
here, in the world,
rested in being who you are, as you are,
available to each wave of life as it comes and goes,
free to love, free to both give and receive….

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But how easy is it to be yourself, to really feel what you feel? How possible is it to let yourself have the experience you’re actually having? Not defended. Not dissociated. Not justifying or apologising for yourself.  Not late (ie not endlessly waking up to your true feelings when you’re looking back hours or days later!). Not in perpetual regret for what you’ve missed out on. Not in a constant search for something, anything, just to make yourself feel better. How possible is it for you to love; to give and receive love, to touch and be touched by yourself, other people, nature, by Life itself?

This Movement of Being work is a radical and incredibly simple way to know yourself. We will use self-enquiry, discussion, meditation, movement practice and many simple exercises from different traditions as a practical and unambiguous way of exploring what it means to be alive; rediscovering the kind of curiosity that a child has, with the perspective of a mature adult. It is for those with an interest in what is true; in themselves, in others and in the world.

This introductory workshop is intended to be both an overview of what we do, and a very personal enquiry into yourself, an intimate exploration of your own experience – while moving, at rest and in relationship.

For newcomers this is an opportunity to get a sense of what this Movement of Being work involves. For those who have already worked with us, this is a chance for a fresh look at some of the basics, to make connections and to deepen your understanding of the work.



Not scheduled at the moment
   Friday  7pm  - 9 pm   
   Saturday  10am -  12pm and 3 -5 pm   
   Sunday  10am -  12 pm    


Fixed Payment: tbc
Suggested Donation: tbc